EZ Route #4b) Idiots guide: A Nugget to help understand Magnetism for Oxygen Efficiency (OE)
This is a botched idea, but I think it helps the layperson understand how oxygen efficiency relies on biological magnetism Please excuse...

The EZ Route #9(f) Belief and Reasoning: Spreading the word on Dopamine
There are two types of cognitive function That effect the way we think about new ideas that i'm interested in Induction and deduction:...

The EZ Route #9(b) Mindfulness, HRV, Visualisation, Hypno-Birthing and conquering pain for a bigger
My mindfulness journey began at the same time as everyone else's, when i realised 'thoughts' and 'feelings' were not the same thing it's...

The EZ Route #9a Breath Work
Whilst most of this series has been about the ability to carry oxygen past the lungs and into cells sufficiently, breath work is where...

The EZ Route #9e How to Automate CT and Fat Burn: My 3 Lists
When i started writing this series the main purpose was to explain the bigger picture to a friends dad who had recently been diagnosed...

The EZ Route #8c How i made our Home more 'Quantum' - The Future for Building Regulations
Before you ignore this post because you think ive gone too far, please be aware that 80% of what ive done can be done in 1 minute, at a...

The EZ Route #1a How to Breath Deeper: Cellular Respiration
The EZ Route (pronounced easy) The EZ Route #1 Why should you care about EZ method? - because we all need to breath Maybe by the end of...

The EZ Route #2 EZ (Easy) Water
The EZ Route #2 EZ water Now I've understood the process and concept of cellular respiration for about 4 years, but not been able explain...

The EZ Route #3a Light, Rainbows and Pots of Gold
The EZ Route #3a Light Now there is long n short version of this. One will make your mind bend and one will understand immediately and...