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EZ Route #4b) Idiots guide: A Nugget to help understand Magnetism for Oxygen Efficiency (OE)

This is a botched idea, but I think it helps the layperson understand how oxygen efficiency relies on biological magnetism

Please excuse the analogy, but it’s necessary

When a man ejaculates into a Virgina, this process alone is not enough for conception.

The sperm first needs to reach the ovaries.

Although the ovaries are only 10cm away, (to scale, this is a very long way when you’re one millionth of a millimetre long)

Once the sperm reach the ovaries, only does conception takes place.

This is secondary school biology, and everyone knows this already.

The important part is question nobody asked: in the pitch darkness, with no signage or gps, how do these micro organisms sperm know what direct to swim in, how is this story plausible?

The answer is magnetism: sperm are magnetically pulled towards their destination. This is the same for bees to pollen, flowers towards the sun and many other things in nature.

Why should you care about this as an athlete or somebody with cancer?

Because this highlights the same process as the way I think of oxygen efficiency.

Most people understand how important breathing is to sports performance, but no many understand how cellular fermentation (producing energy/ATP by burning sugar without Oxygen anaerobically) is possibly playing a big part in the mutation of cells that results in some Cancers.

We know we take an intentional deep breath and feel the mixture of different gases inflate our lungs. This is the conscious part, just like the orgasm that we experience (or at least hope to) during sex.

But like the 10cm marathon swimming sperm, the next part of breath is unconscious for animals/humans.

Once the oxygen has moved into the blood stream and is now circulating around the body, in the form of haemoglobin, powered by the hydrophilic structured EZ water in the blood, (that is motored by sunlight) it arrives at its destination: the cell.

The cell full of electromagnetic organelle called mitochondria, then act para-magnetically to pull in the oxygen: this is the subconscious part that is autonomous, known as the electron transport chain.

The electron transport chain or ETC as it is known in science is how cellular metabolism is explained in electronic terms. I believe magnetism is much more simple to understand

So now the question is: how do we increase our bodies magnetism to increase oxygen efficiency.

The quick answer to this, is be aware of what magnetic and electric energy you expose your body to that is ‘non-native’

What is ‘Non-native’?

Non-native electromagnetic fields (nnEMF) is the field generated by an electrical current.

For context:If you think your mitochondria operates optimally at 100hz (meaning the engines in your cells that spin to pull in oxygen spin 100x per second) and your WiFi router in your house spins 24000000000 (2.4 billion times per second) you can see there is a complete biological Miss-match.

Constant exposure to WiFi emf, cell phone emf, radio frequency, microwaves, low frequency radiation in the home and dirty electricity among other forms of exposure is severely detrimental to health in my mind.

The result?

You are not utilising the oxygen you consciously breath, it is being wasted: you are suffocating unconsciously

This is how cancer as a cellular metabolic disease, high performance athletics and oxygen efficiency are all closely related subjects.

We've all heard that cell phones cause Cancer, but rarely does anyone discuss the mechanics of the process: Magnetism joins the dots in my mind, i hope it helps you, whether it's with winning a sports or Cancer battle



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