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The EZ Route #8c How i made our Home more 'Quantum' - The Future for Building Regulations

Before you ignore this post because you think ive gone too far, please be aware that 80% of what ive done can be done in 1 minute, at a cost of £2.00, the reason i've embraced the law of depreciating returns is because i hope that one day, what ive done will be taken into national building regulations for new build houses, and to highlight how big a problem electric, EMF and electro-magnetism is in modern homes. You don't need to do all of this straight off the bat.

To make this most accessible i'm going to just make a list of issues and what i did to mitigate their risks, followed by what you can do with no time, no money and no risk, in 5 steps.

1. Microwave oven - threw it away, we use gas hob or oven now

2. Electric oven - replaced with gas oven

3. Wifi - turned the wifi off at the router and replaced the ring main with shielded/protected cabling that can take a broadband signal via a power line device, giving broadband at every socket whilst leaking minimal EMF en route (still testing this, but so far great results)

we then pick up a broadband signal via our airplane mode devices linked with an adapter

4. Dirty electricity - we re-wired the house in FP200 cabling (seen in picture) and are considering adding filters

5. Ring main EMF - we've replaced all our wiring with FP200 (fire and data protected cabling, we've also added timed circuit breakers to our fuse board - see pictures)

6. Fridge and Freezer - goes off on a timer while we're asleep as it sits directly below where the baby will sleep and is still completely cold in the morning if sealed

7. Wireless multi-room stereo - i love music, sound is a crucial part of healing, and ive used Sonos since 2006. there is a way to turn off the Wifi signal. we're running a signal down protected cabling and then just use Cat5 cabling as speaker cable, all the amps are being kept in a shielded cupboard

8. Electric smog/Radio Frequency (other peoples wifi) - There are a couple of ways to do this. we're still thinking of painting our bedrooms with shielding carbon paint from Geovital, but to be honest, we think we can make a nice feature of the EMF protected netting. I also like this idea as its cheap and easy for others to follow if they wish to. We can also move and take away with us if we stay in London or other big cities.

9. Central Heating - My wife doesnt know yet, but ive taken all the radiators out!!! ive added a log burner to the living area, i'm still a fire bug from a kid, and enjoy lighting fires. Central heating is the root of all evil for me. we'll still have rads upstairs, but being as we sleep with the windows and doors open in January, i doubt it will matter

10. Lighting circuit - We never use lights anyway, but because of the way these circuits work, there is always a current running through them, so we replaced them all with FP200 anyway

11. Glass - ive had bi-fold doors put in so we can get more natural light, either by opening them or reflecting light off a mirror/aluminium. the manufacturer is looking into building me some for the south facing front of the house either from Quartz glass or acrylic, both materials allow UV to pass though. it will ruin my oak floors with UV stains, but it will be a talking point that i can explain. a bit like a war wound on a soldiers face to be proud of

12. Solar tubes - These allow light into a room like skylight, but just in a tube. The issue is they all use the wrong type of glass, so again i'm speaking to the manufacture to make one a 'Quantum version' This will then be added to our living room so my wife can sunbath in comfort in January, while i'm sunbathing outside with the kids

13. Electro-Magnetic motors - Removing all electro magnetic out of the living area and into the utility, washing machine, fridge, freezer, tumble dryer

14. Salt Lamps - These Ionise the air (improve the quality of air inside) and give off a red light, which is great in the evenings and encourages repair

15. Dimmer switches - all removed and replaced with standard switches. Dimmers are horrible for EMF.

16. Cleaning products - We have made up lemon cleaning products now just by adding lemon juice to water.

17. TV - While i could manage, my family are not ready to give up TV just yet. So our smart TV is hard wired via the protected circuit and we have found a JVC TV that allows you to control Blue, Green and Red light. so we have blue on 0%, Green on 10% and Red on 50%. This means we dont need blue blockers, which is massive for the baby. Previously we had it covered in acetate paper at cost of £4.99 from amazon

18. iPhone light - Go to settings, General, Accessibility, Display accommodations, Colour filters, Colour tint

Then simply turn up the intensity until you're happy with the tone. Not too red otherwise you will go back to blue.

19. Radio alarm - Set up Sonos with a amazon playlist for the same time every day (i asked Sonos to make it possible for 45 minutes after sunrise rather than a time, and they're working on it) Using sounds has made a massive difference to our mornings and thus the rest of our day

20. Electric immersion heater - Removed and Gas Combi boiler installed

21. Water - Currently doing ground tests to see if we can access the water table for our self sufficient water source. We reached sand and gravel, we're just about to test the water. We only drink glass bottled spring, so there wont be a huge improvement there, but we want to use it more for showers, plants, gardening etc.

22. CT tank - right now, i'm using a wheelie bin after my sauna. My wife has promised to make an effort this year with cold exposure, so ive promised to buy something a little more inviting. thinking of a hot tub turned off as the jets will make it feel much colder. watch this space. However, a £30 wheelie bin does the job with an earth cable submerged and plugged into the grass

23. Electric Sauna - I did install a log burning stove in the sauna, but it upset the neighbours. i might well go back to it if i can find a way to mitigate its effects on others, i might need to buy a longer chimney. I haven't yet used infrared saunas as i'm not convinced, but reviewing it all the time.

24. Planting Fruit trees - Take no effort, and its really hard to find organic fruit producers where i live (probably because its such a short season and everyone wants out of season produce all year round)

25. Art - adding art that describes exactly what i'm trying to explain so that all of this knowledge is second nature for my children. I will post some of the things we've done once they're hung. This includes celebrating our local environment in the form of railway posters, iconic images etc.

26. Outside Kitchen - We make coffee outside, BBq's, i even bought a little burner that costs £12.99 with 4 cans of gas for £4.99 that are still going since last year.

27. Electric Shower - Replaced with plumbed mains pressurised, gas powered shower mixers

28. Chest Freezer - Put a Chest Freezer in the garage so we can not only store batch cooking, but also keep lots more seafood fresher in an emergency

29. Grounding - We got rid of concrete/crazy paving and increased the sie of the grass area so the kids can play barefoot without even knowing they're grounding

30. Out Door Office - run an extension lead outside with wired broadband so i can work or use my laptop from there

31. Geopathical Stress - Martin at Geovital is a friend of mine and he came round and measured curry lines, water veins, stress lines with dowsing rods. On that basis we moved my bed about a foot right and out of magnetic harms way

32. Bed - Move your bed away from the electrical charged wall

33. Plug sockets - Turn off plug sockets, especially those near your bed

34. Flooring - Removed carpets and replaced with solid Oak flooring (second to my first choice of polished concrete where i was planning on grounding like a mo-fo)

But despite all of this that we've done, here is what you can do for less then £5.00 with no effort in 5 steps

1. buy a timer switch and plug your router in through that (£2.99) have it switch off between 23:00 and 6:00

2. Crack a window whenever you're inside (this applies to driving too)

3. Throw away the microwave

4. Put phones on airplane mode and then enable wifi when using them

5. Put night-shift mode on, or even better follow the instructions above, or even better only use the phone, outside, naked with no shoes on...


Will add anymore that i can remember as and when... or anymore that i think of going forward

Feel free to through a few at me if you think ive missed some, or if you find what ive done questionsable, then let me know, maybe i missed a trick



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