There are two types of cognitive function That effect the way we think about new ideas that i'm interested in
Induction and deduction: let me explain ...
Both of these could be described as something that helps us form our beliefs and structure reasoning
Induction is like intuition: like believing your daughter has had a bad dream based on her bad mood when she wakes up, or someone has just guessed an answer they've given you in response to a question you've asked, based on the time delay it took for them to answer you
Deduction I would describe as something that stands to reason: like knowing a car is cheaper than a house, and a pencil is cheaper than a car, you would reason a pencil is also cheaper than a house, with out any further information.
Working backwards with what you already have and making more sense of everything around you.
However, using your induction reasoning might not always be as simple as the cost of a house versus the cost of a pencil, but being conscious can help bridge the gap.
For years modern humans in the west have been told that UV light causes cancer, and that in the absence of skin and eye coverage through sunglasses, sun screen and clothes we will all be victims of this terrible disease
Using induction, or reasoning, with the very same data source, we can see that
There is less UV light in northern Europe than on the equator
skin cancer is less prevalent on the equator than in Northern Europe and America
Humans evolved under the sun for thousands of years
Sunlight is the beginning of photosynthesis
Photosynthesis is the beginning of the food chain
Skin cancer and all other cancers are more prevalent since the introduction of artificial light by Thomas Edison in 1879
Most Europeans live under an artificial light more than they live under the sun's natural light
This is my induction on skin cancer, but how does my induction fair for fat burn?
Humans with Northern European mitochondrial DNA have a higher rate of brown fat tissue (BAT)
Brown fat tissue burns quickly in order to create internal heat in order to survive Northern European winters
Being exposed to cold during the winter months will burn fat
Sugar grows in the summer in Europe
Ketosis is a condition Europeans would have found themselves almost only in winter
Aeroplanes have only been around for a short period in relation to the time frame humans have existed on earth (bananas don't grow in the uk, so I can be pretty sure humans didn't evolve here eating them. by definition this makes bananas an unnatural sugar source to a Northern European, especially in the winter. You can read into this more when looking at the way food enters the electron transport chain at different levels and why it's relevant. But it's not important for this discussion)
From this i've come to the conclusion that ketosis is good, but only in season. Being cold could be good for fat burn. Seasonal eating makes sense in terms of health, sugar isnt a bad thing if eaten in a high UV environment. Northern European MitoDNA needs seasonal cycles to thrive.
Now I won't completely dismiss that what I'm debating as 'facts' are pieces of information that I didn't decipher myself:
I didn't count all the people that died of skin cancer in any countr
I don't really know that the light bulb was invented in 1879 because I wasn't there
I don't know who died of what in 1879 or 1979 for that matter
so I'm having to rely on sources to make up my general understanding, baring in mind history and media can be doctored and censored now just as much as in previous centuries.
However, I only have to live in the UK for 12 months to see that there are 4 seasons per year, it gets cold in the winter, warm in the summer, there is no fruit in the winter and there is an abundance of apples around Autumn.
Without airplanes, we would all be eating a seasonal diet, and fasting in the winter.
During January and February we would probably die without eating seafood.
anyone living in the UK for more than a year will know this as not only fact, but a fact they have experienced for themselves
The key to what I'm saying is, most of the answers are staring us in the face, we already know all of this, we just need to be consciously aware enough to use induction and see how the information is relevant in a world changing at an exponential rate.
Ok, why would you care when the light bulb was invented or planes for that matter? Well maybe you would care more after 10 years of cancer research and understanding how light effects the food you eat and how artificial light disrupts the circadian rhythm that protects you from all illness, including cancer ... maybe this series opens you up to that idea, maybe something else has lead you to this point, but if you haven't already, it's time to start paying attention, and be aware of what stops you from paying attention.
So what is stopping everyone from viewing the world in this light
Well there is a hormone called dopamine. It's one of the feel good hormones, and as we all know, the way we feel effects the things we do, but what's less obvious is how much the way we feel effects the decisions we make (I never used to make big decisions on a Monday or Friday when I worked 5 days per week (always feel bad on a Monday from the week end and overly good on a Friday in anticipation - This is a decent example of dopamine levels at work)
Why should you care about Dopamine and decision making?
Well dopamine is said to be produced through Melatonin. (Previously discussed, however Melatonin is the hormone produced in morning sunlight and then secreted after dark)
Melatonin is needed for sleep quality, and sleep quality is essential for feeling good. surely we all, already know that part
If sufficient melatonin is required to create the hormone that makes us feel good, make decisions and take on new information, but in the mean time we're not getting the morning sunlight we need because we're getting morning stimulus from social media, CNN, or up late at night due to the blue light coming out of our smart phone and TV's, our ability to take on information that is counter intuitive to the BS we're being delivered on the 24 hour news cycle is going to be severely effected. We just dismiss new information, especially if it's inconvenient.
This is why it's so difficult to explain to someone with Cancer that light is likely their biggest problem, because Dopamine is more than likely also a problem
I just did a quick google search for this post to see what I missed in the news over the last 3 months
General election
Grenfell tower
Multiple terrorist attacks
Uk budget deficit jumps
Did I miss out, or did I just cut a large part of fear and mistrust for other humans out of my thinking?
Energy vampires preying on those with low dopamine... it's a lot easier to create fear, and effect behavior with a group of ill people riddles with fear of what they might lose, draped in myths like nationalism, patriotism, dogmatism... We all look back at th Iraq war and point fingers at politicians, but at the time, after watching the world trade centre collapse, i don't remember much noise about not going to war then, everyone seemed to be gun hoe in fighting the taliban from my memory. But i was doing shift work under blue lights at the time... so i could be wrong
I'd like to think the 16 hours of natural sunlight I get everyday would give me a dopamine level high enough to ignore the media, but I don't want to take any chances ... so my media diet continues.
Awareness in Seasonal deficit disorder is becoming more profound, but it's not just the absence of vitamin D/UVB that tells the whole story on this subject, because morning sun doesn't have any UVB anyway. It's infrared-A part of the spectrum in morning sunlight that is commonly believed to kick start circadian cycles and most importantly, build Melatonin in the eye from which we can make dopamine.
Is this why Eskimos do well without much UVB maybe while the other westernised countries in Scandinavia have the highest rate of suicide in the world?
I'm not going to accuse anyone that doesn't start adopting the rules of Quantum Health or getting morning sun of being of a 'low dopamine' state, however I do believe our dopamine levels are tied to our ability to understand the effects of light and light one day might be considered more seriously a material part of depression, anxiety and addiction. There is little doubt in my mind that mental strength affects decision making
Would you let someone who was depressed make decisions for you?
You see dopamine snowball effects of a particular persons interest in light health: they start by grounding, getting morning sun or not wearing sunglasses, and the following month, after feeling the effects they want to know everything, they're like sponges... it's amazing to watch, and it's even better to feel for yourself

Moral of the story: Educate yourself with facts, join your own dots, if not join someone else's and then listen to your intuition
pay attention to your environment and become conscious of when you disconnect , you might just see your reasoning will show you that you already have the answers