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The EZ Route #3d Attracting External Light: Becoming a Better Human Solar Panel

EZ Method #3(d) Attracting External Light: Becoming a better human solar panel

Covered here How to attract the light you need to your body from the sun DHA omega 3

Grounding Seasonal diets and ketosis/ketogenic DC electric current in your body

In a world of instant gratification, it's hard to convince someone to take the time and effort to learn something that is front loaded with effort. The EZ method is hard at first, then extremely extremely easy (EZ) once you apply it and make it habit I haven't been to the gym in 2-3 years and I'm less than 10% body fat, and fitter than when I was boxing 6 days a week, getting up at 4:30am to train before work People want to be able press a button and 'bang'! It all happens, but there is always some form of effort... whether it's physical, mental, front or back loaded

The world is littered with this kind of stuff from sacking football managers after losing two games, scratch cards, social media and tv's with 1000's of channels Unfortunately EZ Method is front loaded with effort, but I'm hoping that what becomes the driver for some people, is that this information not only stands to reason, but you should have been taught this in school before you learned to read, Add up and certainly before any of the peripheral subjects. Think of this as a secret you wasn't told, but your in good company, Einstein and tesla knew all about it, albeit suppressed knowledge In fact I think most of my interests could be best described as exactly that 'things I SHOULD have been taught in school, but wasnt' - I have little respect for curriculum and the 'exam passing' mentality For me, schooling isn't a forgone conclusion for my children, it's something we're considering among a list of options, with the knowledge that Georgie and I have self taught ourselves surrounding language, business, health and law being paramount to what we feel is of primary significance - anyway... I digress

If I were to start again with the EZ method and I could spend an hour reading and understanding something that would mean A) I never had to go to the gym again B) I never had to worry about weight again C) I could eat almost whatever I wanted D) I never had health anxiety I would be all over it like a cheap suit

Back to you, the solar panel...

What is a solar panel? Solar panels attracts light (photons) and convert them into DC electric current for power and energy

Well that's pretty much what humans and plants do too. We're taught in school aged 11 about photosynthesis and how plants make sugars, and this is pretty much the same.

I've been in the company of doctors that say you can measure someone's DC electric current by feeling the strength of their pulse. This I would argue, means you could feel how much sun exposure and grounding someone gets by simply holding onto their wrist with two fingers - give it a try

When you think the sun gives off energy, and everything on this planet is made up of what that energy yields, including electric, light and biology (humans and plants) So it stands to reason then, that the very thing that keeps us alive, our heart beat, which is powered by involuntary electrical impulses would be powered by either light we eat, or light we are exposed to

I hope the magnitude of that statement resonates with you - without light, your heart stops beating Can you appreciate the detrimental affects of being in blue light all day and night in the winter now? No wonder we're all sick and tired

So how do we get more light into our system?

Well as previously mentioned there is a growing industry of bio-hackers, and they are full of artificial ways of getting better food and better light into their blood. I don't consider myself a bio hacker per se.

I think of myself as a 'hack-backer' meaning I hack back to nature, by removing whatever is artificial in my environment Light carries enough information to send a 2 hour movie to your phone in real time via radiation, I don't trust that any artificial source has as much information as the sun. So the sun therefore is my 'go-to' light source. This is why I haven't written it off, but I'm still not using a infrared sauna.

So rather than change light bulbs, and getting UV bulbs, etc... I just left my job, and work outside in my shorts all year round. Naked

Maybe this isn't an option for everyone, but I firmly believe you can do anything you set your mind to. I had big responsibilities, bills, about 8 mortgages at the time, and was earning about 8x the national average when I left work, I still don't care and it was the best thing I ever did - there is always another way. I'm not saying this to show off, I'm saying it because I know I'll hear a boat load of excuses as to why people 'have to go to work' I accept in this modern world we all need money, what I don't accept is there isn't another, healthier way to achieve that

But apart from not bio hacking, 'hack-backing' is probably more about knowing what makes you a better solar panel by avoiding what is blocking your light

Removing UV filtering glass for example is something I would say is a 'hack back' to nature

Removing eyewear such as sunglasses, specs, and especially contact lenses (because of their effects on the water in your eye) You might consider changing lenses to non UV filter

Being inside or behind 'protected' glass

Fluoride has been shown to block electric current and light, which is why we avoid tap water and certain toothpastes

Suncream is an obvious light blocker, but what isn't as obvious is soaps and moisturisers I'm reliably informed by jamie ward that he doesn't wash after being in vitamin D sun in fear of 'washing it all off' ... any excuse

All clothes will be a blocker to light (save for kiniki swim wear which lets UV through) but you can ground (see EZ Method #4 Grounding) in cotton clothes, which is good because babies clothes are usually cotton anyway

I've never really worn much even from a kid, (in fact I was still questioned about my 'red Wellington boots' up until the age of 16, because as a toddler, that's all I wore, my mum obviously a fan of sunbathing , but not too keen on grounding as they were made plastic!) intuitive or not I don't know, but it's convenient now and conducive to my beliefs

I was asked quite a few times in the winter 'where have you been on holiday' truth is I was just naked in quantum clacton all the way through from July to February ... I didn't go pale because I was getting 3-4 hours uva and infrared everyday even in December and January in the uk, in and out of the sea

The thing is, this is where a few dots need to be joined. Ketosis or high fat diets are seasonal in the uk, or anywhere at this latitude, because sugar isn't available here in the winter. (I'm pro keto... at the right time and for the right reasons)

What is available? Fish... and I live on natures pantry - the sea

Why is seafood significant for becoming a better solar panel? Because fish is full of omega3 fatty acids (DHA) and this will increase your ability to attract light while converting that light into an electric current to power your body

Wow... what a result, just as the sun goes down a little and gets a little weaker, nature provides us with a food source that deals with the problem Can you see why bananas in January are problematic - the light in them is from the equator, which carries information that the sun is high, strong, and you need to protect yourself from it. It's not going to power a solar panel, but more protect it from too much light. Too much light isn't a problem in January, uk

The only issues you've then got in attracting light is of course, the clothes that you're wearing, well of course, if you're eating high fat, your fat is therefore mobile, meaning that you will be fat adapted, which in turn makes heat adaption possible (you could say if you suffer from the cold eat seafood) so you burn fat to create heat, which means you're no longer cold in the winter (just like babies because of the brown fat we already discussed in EZ Method #6) Because you're not cold, you're now connected like a tree, to the ground and the sun 24/7/365... negatively electrons charging through your feet, sun lights photons through your skin and eyes, cold air on your skin and lungs ...

this is optimum EZ method hack backing

This is why walking over mountains covered in snow is easier than wearing loads of gear and being covered up in heavy boots - it's not a trick

My belief is: if you are comfortable outside in shorts on a clear day in December and January you have little to no health issues. you will have an inherent level of baseline fitness, you will have enough light, fat and heat adaption to manage your environment and most of all, you're connected

You don't need to, but you will be able to manage in an ice bath, the circus act of heat adaption It's a bit like walking on hot coals ... there is little benefit, but it's the residual effects of something good

The question we need to ask ourselves, knowing how our bodies work with in tandem with light is: if you were a solar panel, are you naked and exposed enough to sunlight to make DC electric current?


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