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The EZ Route #7b Babies and Children and Sleep and Light

EZ Route #7(b) babies and children and light and sleep

One Of the first things people ask when they see my daughter, Or should I say first things they tell me, is 'I bet she keeps you up all night' Unfortunately, or fortunately I have to tell them 'eeeerr no, she sleeps like a baby (should sleep)'

Now obviously most parents experience is babies stay up or wake up in the night, and if you've followed this series, how light effects health and how blue light affects sleep and body clocks, you will probably already have joined a few dots. However, let's join them anyway

As humans, we mostly relate and experience thorough pain or pleasure... if I child sleeps well, there is less pain and more pleasure, but apart from mummy and daddy sleeping well, waking up happy and having more time for the baby, Babies sleeping ratifies the whole daily cycle - good circadian rhythm

Lack of Sleep is the Canary in the coal mine for all things health related - and so good quality sleep with high melatonin production is so much more than mere parental convenience It's cellular repair, it's better eye sight, it's a better immune system, it's elevated alertness, its circadian rhrhym, its melatonin, its good appetite, its intel, its cognitive clarity... it's everything you want your child to be... the list goes on

Of course, all things 'Mollie' I'm a very proud, and very biased dad, so I see no wrong, however I'm not talking about my experience, I'm talking about the contrast in my conversations with other parents.

Remember my daughter is probably one of less than 10 in the western world, in the last 150 years since Edison invented the light bulb that has seen less than 10 hours of blue light... and that's being generous

Maybe this is why spring babies are now even More important... less blue light, more UV, more heat so mum is happy to actually be out in the sunshine, this means more fresh air, and the snow ball effect continues... compare that to a baby born in November... blue blue blue ... no UVB

She's my first, so I don't have anything to weigh it up against, but my intuition says this is the root cause of all things good with our baby in almost equal measurements to breast feeding (almost I said)

I reckon exposing kids to blue light and nnEMF will be akin to exposing kids to smoking within the next 10 years - I could make a good argument it's even worse

Try turning off artificial light or blocking out the blue light after sunset and I think you'll see the difference in your babies and children

The risk reward has to be worth it for your Kids?


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