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The EZ Route #8a EMF and Radiation (High Frequency)

Now anyone that already knows radiation is a health hazard needs to only know one point here. There are Two types of radiation Ionising (x-rays, micro waves) non-ionising (cell phones, 3G, 4G, 5G, wifi, Bluetooth, radio)

Industry have argued for years non-ionising is not hazardous, whilst admitting ionising is a problem

That doesn't mean that having a radiation omitting phone next to your head is ok. It just means your head won't explode on impact

In fact if you look, your apple iPhone will openly admit this is a problem and Apple don't know if it's safe (check out the picture attached, or follow this link on your iPhone Setting>General>About>Legal>RF exposure (RF stands for radio frequency) (There is more to be said about the method used 'SAR' but its tangent we'll come back to)

I won't go into the finite details ionising and non-ionising radiation because you don't need to know that, but all you do need to know is that there are two types of radiation. This is key when talking to any health practitioner or even the security at the airport... they don't know the difference

Radiation that everyone agrees is bad Radiation that is being disputed

In may 2016 in the study attached it was proved beyond reasonable doubt that both types of radiation over a long enough period were both hazardous

This was the title Statement on the U.S. National Toxicology Program that reports cell phones cause cancer by the Advisors to the International EMF Scientist Appeal

Here is a link to the study

Anything more than 30 minutes per day on a smart phone is deemed 'excessive' So if you use a phone more than 30 minutes per day, or have exposure to anything omitting this kind of radiation, (microwave, smart phone, laptop, tablet, smart tv) then you need to start paying attention - especially if you allow your children to be entertained by them

Now I think at this point you already have an idea what I'm gong to say, and the take home message isn't 'stop using'

it is 'mitigate use'

I don't want to get too deep down a rabbit hole, so I'm going to butcher some science so you can 'get it' and apply this method without living in a cave

When you eat food, digest it and it all gets down to a microscopic level it doesn't look anything like food anymore

Food at this point in the chain looks more like positive and negative charges (protons and electrons).

These Charges are like of a battery, just like our EZ water. We also covered some of this in #4 Grounding too, so I'm hoping there is some level of familiarity in thinking about things as charges of electric without me sounding like I've lost the plot

In your cells there are no sign posts saying 'food this way' or 'oxygen particles this way'

How does all the goodness you need to be healthy and optimum know where to go? - because of the force of magnetism

So the charges of the food you eat are very important... wrong charge, food gets lost and wasted, as does oxygen, which brings us all the way back to our cellular respiration If oxygen isn't pulled by a magnet into the right place, then it was a waste of time breathing in the first place

Now we know that our food and oxygen is charged, we can link it to everything including radiation We can begin to understand how the food we eat and the oxygen we breath is effected by the smart phones we use and the wifi we are addicted to

And is everywhere... we can't even go for a meal without wifi being offered... what happened to starters, Mains and dessert???

If food and oxygen is only where we need it to go because of magnetism, can you imagine what happens when you introduce a new foreign, 'non-native electro magnetic field' to the equation - boom disaster

Talk about piss on our magnetic parade...

You've got big problems - especially growing children - order becomes disorderly (check the picture of the toddler using a smart phone under an x-ray)

Do you remember years ago when your phone used to make your car radio flicker when a call came through? Well that's an interference of radiation, or 'nnEMF' (non-native electro magnetic fields) and in this instance it's radio frequency

Think of that sound your radio made like the sound track to the damage that's going on in your body when you have your phone in your pocket and it rings

You're body can cope with a little damage, but not a lot

It gets a lot worse when you're asleep - because our defences are even lower

How could these nnEMF's be affecting you right now?

Well if you suffer from headaches, cancer, diabetes, high-low blood pressure, in fact anything related to cellular respiration (which is everything) really and you sleep with your phone near the bed, your wifi on at night, or stand in front of your microwave, in fact even owning a microwave, then this might be part of the cause

I'm not saying that if you have cancer and throw away your phone you will be cured, I've already said cancer is a cascade of different problems: emf is not helping

I want to raise awareness, not panic, but I'd like to draw your attention to the YouTube video I've attached of the cells located 10 miles from an airport 'dancing' to the 'rhythm' of the airport radar ... what is nnEMF doing to our sacred circadian rhthym?

If I asked you: how much as a percentage did your phone interfere with the radio signal in your car all those years ago, what would you say? 10%, 20% enough to ruin your enjoyment of listening to the radio?

Well this is exactly how I think of EMF: how much does it effect my biology and magnetism 10%, 20% enough to stop my enjoyment of my life

Do you have a heart condition and keep your phone in your shirt pocket? Does this have an effect?

We're talking about the modern day asbestos as if it was 1965

Problem is most people don't join the dots between their headaches and their shinny blue light, EMF radiating smart phones: they're too precious and this is another inconvenient truth for them. Please the delete button, move on, blinkers fixed in position

everything is working on magnetism, and our fragile biology is relying on this internal magnetism to conduct all the necessary functions that keep us alive. Want to fine tune your diet? Sure go ahead... but can you start to see why I believe diet is secondary once you've covered the EZ method and are eating high DHA (fish, seafood) and alkaline foods with a negative charge

How this all effects cellular respiration.. Now remember we've already discussed how charged EZ water motors blood flow around the body with the help of the heart. What affect is electro magnetism from iPhones and devices going to have on this process in your body?

Remember the very point of body massage is to encourage oxygenated blood flow to an area of the body like a stiff leg or bad back, so by that definition, putting a high frequency phone next to your head is like the opposite to a massage for your brain, reducing blood flow... do you want to do that to your kids. Starve their brains of oxygen?

Emf also kills vitamin D and encourages de-hydration, worth noting for athletes

What do I do to mitigate this? Well there are a few hacks, but as is usually the case Cold adaptation is the key, as you will see later on

For a deeper understanding in what I'm alluding to, google 'the electron transport chain' there are some good videos on YouTube that give a visual idea of the process that might help you understand the relevance of magnetism and radiation. I just thought was a step too for conception purposes, bits here a video if you're interested

John ott video on cells reaction to airport radar

Pictures Baby using iPhone iPhone legals John ott YouTube video May 2016 study


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