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The EZ Route #3e Invisible Light

The EZ Route #3e Invisible Light

The aim of this method is to introduce to you something that seems beyond your understanding, but you're already familiar with it, if explained in simple terms

This might seem like an oxymoron: how can something that helps you be able to see, be invisible?

Well let me highlight a few things you're already familiar with before we go any further

The pictures attached are taken of the human body using cameras and devices that pick up invisible light such as Infrared Ultraviolet X-rays


They are all of the same species, of the same animal, just with different types of light reflecting, the type of light you cannot see, but is part of everyday life

It's hard to believe something you cannot see can effect you, it's even harder when you consider that these frequencies of light are actually being given off by your body all the time. However, once you understand his concept, and you accept the amount of information that invisible light can give (think cell phones, wifi, Bluetooth, 3G, 4G and 5G) then you can begin to see how a GDV camera could work and act like a crystal ball for your health status

Invisible light, or light outside of the visible spectrum, AKA 'the rainbow', makes up the rest of what is known as the 'Electro Magnetic spectrum' Don't let this word bamboozle you - its 3 words you already know Electric Magnetic Spectrum Basically everything that can be described as a light Pretty much everything in the known universe falls into this electro magnetic spectrum, you don't need to know the finer details just yet.

I thought it was worth at least being aware of the EMS's existence at this stage, how it's relevant, and pointing out what you already know about it that's both common and familiar, but also that light you see, phones you use, and sounds you hear are all just different frequencies of light. I also think it's important to know that what you can see (all the colours of the rainbow) are less than 1% of the whole spectrum That means the light you see is less than 1% of what is actually there

Sound a bit confusing? Well how would toy describe 'smell' if you had no nose? how would you describe sound if you had no ears? How would describe sight of you had no viable colours to reflect of surfaces?

These are all individual senses that are familiar, but are literally the same thing in different size waves of light

I don't want to get too 'woo-woo' but some people will be joining dots by now as to where this is all going, especially those taking note of me referencing the pineal gland earlier on.

In terms of light: someone claiming to be see the aura of a living being is simply saying 'rather than using frequencies of light between 400-700nm (the rainbow), they can see into 300nm's and 800nm's this makes it seem more reasonable than just calling them 'crazy' or 'physic'

Radio frequency Microwaves X-rays Ultraviolet rays Infrared rays Rainbow (visible spectrum)

It might seem pointless to just highlight something without reason, but it's important to understand where I'm coming from later when we get onto Sound, GDV, EMF And consciousness


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