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The EZ Route #3a Light, Rainbows and Pots of Gold

The EZ Route #3a Light

Now there is long n short version of this. One will make your mind bend and one will understand immediately and start using today So let's keep it simple

Light comes in forms so vast you couldn't even imagine. We're using it in ways we don't realise daily in the forms of radiation in our phones, radios, wifi and microwaves

This is invisible light, or at least invisible to humans

I want to focus on the visible spectrum and the frequencies close to it: the rainbow, infrared and ultraviolet

This light has got a very bad Marketing manager, because it gets the blame everything, from cancer to eye strain, yet all of humanity's cancer is in the developed world and no where near the equator, where the sun and UV light is at its strongest The key is 'connection to Environment' The west is completed disconnected to where we live

Who do you know that gets natural full spectrum sunlight all year round anywhere north of southern Spain?

As you heard in lesson #2 without UV and light we lose circulation and open ourselves up to a cascade of condition we don't want, but there is a lot more going on.

The hardest part of learning the fundamentals of EZ health is no one really knows how to explain it, and certainly not in lay terms, they simply say 'read the book' which most doctors will struggle with, so I will briefly explain a few key points from books I think turned my head

John ott was a time lapse (slow motion sped up) photographer in the 1960's. He was asked by Walt Disney to make a video of an apple growing from seed, turning green, then red, then falling from tree. Because of the wind in nature he needed to place housing around the apple so that it didn't move during the 9 months or so of filming Then John came across a problem. The apple would grow, turn green, but not red nor drop. Yet all the other apples on the tree did turn red and drop. It was obvious this biological problem was actually a light problem So then john tried using conventional glass: same scenario. Only no he had Walt Disney breathing down his beck for answers after making him wait 2 whole years for his time lapse film So not to lose anymore time, and of the understanding that different materials were letting through different light he tried a few different types of glass and plastic until he found one that allowed a certain frequency of light through that allowed the apple to grow, turn green, then red, then drop from the tree, he captured it all on video and turned it into a 10 second film for Disney. The light he discovered that was omitted was ultraviolet The material he used, we will talk about in some detail later. I'm currently turning my house inside out for many reasons on many levels that all come back to cellular respiration, where this series will start and end. But it means re-wiring, new glass which probably wouldn't have got through buildings regs in its day, new wireless routers etc, but for now let's stick with light.

Right now, we all live under the glass that effectively killed the apple - UV protected As is our windscreens, sunglasses, windows and so on

Ok I know there isn't a soul reading this that wants to turn red and fall from a tree, but what if you have another biological problem that doctors can't explain or have pushed you pills under fluorescent lights for.

Maybe you want children and can't get pregnant - is this a light issue? Maybe you have no sex drive? - is this a light issue? You can't sleep? - is this a light issue? You have cancer? - is this a light issue? You have diabetes? - is this a light issue?

It all sounds a little bit far fetched until we speak to a vet, and hear all the animals we keep as pets in the same environment as we live have the same focking problems we have

Time to to join some dots people

Side note: we are at the end of lesson #3 and we still haven't been on a diet or to the gym ... this is not coincidental

Coming up. Lesson #4 Grounding: body electric

Still no gym... and your already the fittest you've ever been as a residual benefit of health


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